Saturday, January 31, 2009

Heather's Journey - Week 2 (01/22/2009)

Weight: 132.6 (-1.6)

Not a great loss, but this time around I am doing the food myself. That means I am doing LOTS of planning, shopping, and preparing! It actually took a lot of time and energy so my activity wasn't the greatest as I was pretty worn out from all that this takes. I am hoping that I get into a routine and it gets easier! Oh, and I quit coffee...that may have something to do with my energy levels!

Tom gave us a handout of what he calls his "Go To Workout". He then took us to do this workout. It hits pretty much every major muscle, but really works the arms. I turned in my food log and he said it was great! Having already done this really helps.

Detox starts this week! Only items out of the center two circles...OH BOY!

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